
Enabling Seamless Self-Service and Integration for GoodLife Members and Their Network

ICF Next was engaged to address the challenge of enabling GoodLife members to self-serve their membership, family, and friends. In analyzing the client's e-commerce operations, we identified inconsistent experiences within the digital ecosystem and between online/offline interactions. Integration with third-party platforms posed difficulties in managing product data, programs, pricing, and lead generation from corporate e-commerce.

Our goal was to create a streamlined and user-friendly solution that allowed GoodLife members to effortlessly manage their memberships and extend benefits to others. This required addressing the inconsistencies in the digital ecosystem, improving third-party platform integration for accurate information, and enhancing the overall self-service experience for members.


Insights. Design. Refinement. Optimization.

We began by conducting stakeholder interviews to understand GoodLife's goals and requirements. This was followed by a competitive analysis to identify industry best practices and opportunities for differentiation. Thorough research led to the development of user personas and mapping the user journey, uncovering pain points for improvement.

Using these insights, we crafted a visually appealing design that integrated GoodLife's brand identity. A consistent design system ensured visual coherence. User testing validated our design decisions and allowed for further refinements, resulting in an optimized user experience.


Enhancing Engagement Through Customer-Centric UX Design

Our customer-centric UX design approach created engaging and impactful digital solutions for GoodLife. By prioritizing the customer journey and user experience, we delivered tailored communications and experiences that fostered participation and built lasting relationships. Through a responsive web-based project, we seamlessly integrated content and user interactions, resulting in a smooth and immersive experience.

This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of our content-first approach in enhancing the user experience and driving meaningful engagement with the GoodLife brand. By leveraging customer data and activating insights, we achieved outstanding outcomes, solidifying our commitment to creating customer-centric digital solutions that deliver tangible results.

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